Tuesday, February 5, 2008

ode to coffee

Oh Coffee, how I have loved thee. It was so long ago when we first met and I inhaled your pungent scent. It took years to really acquire a taste for you. It started with black coffee in mcdonalds while skipping classes in high school and moved forward from there. You were there for me each morning through college, and through my years as a lifeguard. I looked forward to relishing each sip from a disposable paper cup while driving to the mountains. You became a morning ritual and soon I was unable to start my day without you. It felt incomplete. My passion soon became an addiction as I sought out coffee shops where ever I happened to be. 
I'm afraid our love affair has come to an end. You give me gut rot and your production weighs heavily on my conscience. I have moved on. Goodbye coffee, I'm sure I'll miss you sometimes. 

A few facts about coffee:
The production of coffee leads to river pollution, soil erosion, and deforestation. I know that you can buy fair trade, organic, shade grown coffee, but seriously if you look around at the first world's thirst for coffee how can this be at all sustainable? Starbucks is worldwide with at least 15,000 stores. That's a lot of coffee; that's a lot of coffee cups! And that is just one chain.
Not only that but it just isn't good for your adrenal glands, or your bones. It hardly seems worth it for a cuppa. 

It's been two days. I've been drinking a lot of tea.

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