Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Big Debate

Over the past few weeks I have heard, and read, about the big "cloth vs. disposable diaper" debate. In my mind there is no debate to be had. It's common sense, which is a funny term, because I honestly don't think that sense is too common. 
Anyway, back to my topic. The big "debate" is that cloth diapers aren't any better than disposables because you have to use bleach to get them clean. BLEACH! On your baby's bum! Let me make one thing clear. Bleach causes cancer. It is toxic. Now why oh why would you bleach something that you put onto a small infants bottom? 
Cleaning them is easy. You put the poop into the toilet, which is something that you should be doing even if you use disposable diapers, and then you put them into a bucket with a little vinegar in it. Then, after a few days when you are running low on diapers, you put them into the washing machine with some ecologically friendly laundry detergent, (I use Nellie's) and wash them. Here is the shocker, they come out clean, and smelling like, well nothing. Not poop, not pee, and certainly not laundry soap scented with fragrances. They also come out with some stains on them. You are dealing with poop after all.
Another argument for the disposable side is that washing cloth takes more water. In reality, it takes more water to produce disposables, and the wood pulp inside is bleached so it is that nice white colour that so many people are so fond of. So, by creating these diapers there is more water used and more water polluted by the runoff. 
To reduce the amount of water that you use, get a front loading washing machine. They use less water and less energy, and they get your clothes cleaner. You could argue that they are expensive, but it is all a matter of priorities as far as I can see. Think of it as an investment. I saved up for my machine, and I love it. I sometimes sit in front of it just to watch the clothes roll around and around and around... I'm kidding!! I'm not that crazy.

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