Friday, February 1, 2008

hello small planet

Finally a space to call my own! Here it is folks, the first edition of the small planet daily. Except that it might not be daily....

I just returned from a morning round of deliveries and Elias is sleeping like a baby, because he is a baby. An 18 month old baby. He is so peaceful when he is sleeping, all rosy cheeked and gorgeous. Here is a short list of things that I have learned in the past 18 months.
  1. having a baby is a lot of work, but when you're done, it's well worth it. I think that if you knew before hand that you were going to have this funny little person who you love more than you ever thought possible, labour and delivery would be a little easier. You see, before I had Elias I just didn't know what it meant to be a mom, or what I was in for. If I had known this before the big day it would have been easier! That is why I think that our second will be easier. ( I must keep telling myself this...)
  2. lack of sleep is really no big deal. It's all a state of mind. If someone had said to me, "jennifer, once you have a baby you will not ever get a good nights sleep again" then I might have said "well no babies for me!" You see I was a person who NEEDED at least 8 hours EVERY night. Who was that woman? Give me four hours of uninterrupted sleep a night and I am on fire!
That is all I have for today, but come back and check out my new recipe for a warm chickpea salad that will have you loving chickpeas. I'm not kidding, it's that good.

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