Sunday, February 17, 2008

Glimmer of hope

I decided to watch the Planet Earth DVD with Elias tonight. I chose the "saving our species" disk. When I watch things like this I feel very small. There is so much destruction happening in our world, how can I make a difference? Will it change anything if I give up coffee and tissue? I sat down at my computer and I ended up at TED, which is an amazing website full of inspiring ideas. If you have some time and are in need of a little glimmer of hope in your day, watch this. 
As for more small changes in my life, I am further reducing the packaging that comes into our house. I am making granola, and bread once a week, and I am learning how to make yogurt. Less packaging, less preservatives, better taste. 
It's been two weeks that I've been doing this, and I like it. When did we decide that baking bread was back breaking labour and that it's easier to buy it at the store? Besides the rising and actual oven time, making bread takes about 20 minutes. Here's a little secret. While your bread is rising, you can do other things. Like go outside, do your bookkeeping, and play with your kids.
The granola is easy too, and cheaper. I can buy all organic, some local ingredients and make my own for about 1/4 of the cost. We go through a lot of granola in this house. Mike is a little addicted.

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