Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Jeef Berky

I haven't been very diligent about posting, and I will take this time to blame it entirely on Elias who has decided he doesn't need to nap anymore, and instead, when he gets grumpy he takes it out on his unsuspecting cousin. Blessedly, he is now in a peaceful slumber as his little body could no longer take it. As adults, we can ignore these signs of sleepiness by ingesting copious amounts of caffeine, but babies simply sleep when they need to.
Thank God for that.
In light of some new beef recalls ( the thought makes me shudder, those two words should never be in the same sentence) I have decided that we will be eating less meat than we already do, and will eat only local, organic meat. I like to buy it from Hoven Farms, Sunworks, or the dutchies at the Calgary Farmer's Market. They are not called the dutchies, but they are dutch and I cannot remember the name of the actual business. Lack of sleep will do that to you.
In our house we eat meat (chicken or beef) twice a week at the most. The rest of the time we eat beans, rice, pasta, soup, and fish. Poor Mike. He was raised on meat and potatoes and has married a woman who is a little scared of cooking and eating meat. I once served him raw pork chops. mmmmm.

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