Tuesday, May 13, 2008

hello, spring?

Is it just me or does Spring seem to be taking her sweet time arriving this year? Come on already!
I just came in from planting some more seeds in my front yard. I planted spelt, and lots of sunflowers. Elias is a big help when I'm working outside, he is my official soil tester, and according to him the soil is yucky. Perfect, just what we need. He knows, because he ate a mouthful of it while I was digging rocks into the side yard for a rock garden. 
He is sleeping right now and every time he lays down for a nap I am amazed and I feel like I have won the lottery! He sleeps! On his own! Am I the luckiest mother around or what?
Normally he sleeps with his hammer in hand. You never know when you are going to need a hammer during nap time or even at night. Some kids like stuffed toys, some like blankets, mine likes tools.
Anyway, although I haven't posted any changes for a few weeks, I am still changing something every week. Rain barrels are one thing and driving less is my newest challenge. It is hard when you live in the boonies, but I am trying to do more things near my home and walk to places that I can, like the library or the grocery store. Somedays I don't even drive at all. It's easy when the weather is warm, but believe me, when it's -30, I won't be walking to the library.

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